To Activate These Cheats U Must First Type ctrl+alt+shift+c
Version 1.0: KLAPAUCIUS - gives u 1000 Simoleons
Version 1.1: ROSEBUD - gives u 1000 Simoleons
SET_HOUR (values 1-24) - set the time back or forward
WATER_TOOL - you can put water around your home
CAM_MODE - camera toggle
MUSIC - music toggle
SOUND - sound toggle
HTML - webpage creation toggle
SOUNDEVENT - toggle sound events
RELOAD_PEOPLE - total reload of skins, animations, suits, people
SIM_LIMIT - set max. milliseconds for simulator
SETSPEED - (-1000 to +1000)
INTERESTS - it will let you change their personalities and interests
AUTONMY - let's the sims to think on their own (0- 100)
GROW GRASS - make the grass grow short or tall (0- 150)
MANSION - the best house
BUBBLE_TWEAK - set thought bubble z off set
ASSERT - force assert to test
SIM_LOG END - stop sim logging
SIM_LOG BEGIN - start sim logging
ROUTE BALOONS OFF - disable basic tuturial
LOG MASK - event logging mask set
DRAW ALL FRAMES (ON/OFF) - self explanitory
TILE INFO (ON/OFF) - show tile info, hide tile info.
SWEEP ON - enable tricks
SWEEP OFF - disable tricks
! - repeats the last code entered once
!;!;!;!;!; - repeats the last code entered as many times as u put ! and ;
DEBUG_SOCIAL - show social dialogue choices
DRAW_ORIGINS - show person's origin
DUMP_HAPPY - send person's recent interaction to file
DUMP_MC - send person's motive contribution curve to a file
EDIT_GRASS - make grass change value
LOT SIZE - set lot size
EDIT CHAR - create a character mode
DRAW_ROUTES (ON/OFF) - show person's route, type on or off
HISTORY - save family history file
HIST_ADD - add new family history stat to family
IMPORT - import family file
VISITOR_CONTROL - toggle to control visitors w/ keyboard
DRAW_FLOORABLE ON - enable floorable grid
DRAW_FLOORABLE OFF - disable floorable grid
MAP EDIT ON - self explanitory
MAP EDIT OFF - self explanitory
MOVE_OBJECTS - move any object
PREVIEW_ANIMS ON - preview animations on
PREVIEW_ANIMS OFF - preview animations off
PREPARE_LOT - fix required lot objects
ROTATION - rotate camera
*I have not used all these cheats. If there is one that doesn't work please don't e-mail it to me. Thanks